Monday, August 30, 2010

Throat of Doom

So...I'm a hypochondriac.

I either think I'm sick when I'm not (generally as a result of other people being sick) or I think that my symptoms must mean I'm actually deathly ill (when I probably just have a virus).

Right now, I have the worst sore throat since the one I had with Mono. While I'm asleep, probably breathing through my mouth, and letting all sorts of dry air into my throat, it becomes swollen, raw, and 6 other types of painful. Waking up this morning was NOT pleasant. In addition, I think I've over-used's no longer really doing anything helpful.

This is not the way I like to start a full day of classes.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's 2:14 am right now. I have to be up at 7:30 to make it to class on time. Why, do you ask, am I awake?

I'm awake because I just finished the first homework-night of my sophomore year, and because my second wind has officially kicked in. Today I learned that my grandmother has been put on a ventilator. I talked to my roommate about the fact that she's medically withdrawing from school (unexpectedly) leaving me to find a replacement asap. I stayed at the college newspaper office from 7pm to 1:30am, and I read approximately 60 pages of British Literature and Christian History.

I can't say that a lot of this is positive. Some of it is real, undeniable bad news. But I can choose not to worry, and I can choose to stay positive, and work hard to do what I'm capable of. And that is why I'm awake at 2:14am.

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Best Friends

So this week, I'm chilling in my apartment. I'm trying to get some hours in at work before classes start. And in all of this lovely time to myself, I've been thinking about all the people I'm going to miss when school starts. So this post is hereby dedicated to my best friends.

Although I try my hardest to be kind & considerate, I'll be the first to admit that I'm probably a pain in the butt sometimes. But these people not only put up with me...they actually seem to like me. In addition...they are all of those things I try to be. And I really truly love them for it.

So thank you for: road trips, shopping trips, late night phone calls, river trips, sleepovers, porch time, many many trips to McDonald's, movie nights, hikes, and being awesome.