Monday, May 3, 2010

Long Time No See...

It's been almost exactly two months since my last post. There are two reasons for this sad fact:
1) I don't really think anyone cares what I write here.
2) I've been kind of busy.

Since spring break I have:
taken tests
written papers
gone to work
found an apartment
registered for next year's classes
worked out
gained weight
learned music
gone to church
gotten more involved
become a copy chief

What I haven't done:
put my all into school on a number of occasions
really figured out what I think about everything
been perfect

I'm pretty sure that's okay though. It all takes time. For now, I'm trying to get through my exams in one piece--preferably successfully--and trying to stay true to what I want to be. And that, I think, is pretty well represented by this picture of what used to hang in my room at home.

Me in a nutshell.