Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer: Day 1

I've decided to turn this into a work-out blog for the next couple months. I'm done with school, and home in St. Louis. Unfortunately, none of my friends are within about 14 hours of me...but at least I get to hang out with my family. Since I don't have much to do, I'm going to spend the summer working a couple days a week, and most importantly, getting myself in shape.

Before I start filling you in on all my accomplishments, here's the sob story:
I can remember being self-conscious about my body as early as 3rd grade. I've never been overweight, but I've also never been particularly athletic, which can be frustrating. I've always had issues with my stomach, and never been close to having real muscles, except in my legs. The only exercise I really did as a kid was dance classes between 2 and 9 hours a week. In high school, to pass my online gym class, I had to go to the gym and do cardio and strength workouts. I even muddled my way through a triathlon once. But in general, I'm not athletic, and my asthma stops me from being successful.

This summer, my goal is to change that. I've gotten back up to my highest weight ever, and I just feel out of shape. So here are my specific goals:

1. Drink water. At least 4 glasses a day. Limit other beverages to one cup of coffee and one other drink a day.
2. Replace processed sugar with healthier things like yogurt or fruit.
3. Work out for at least 20 minutes a day. Run at least 3 times a week.
4. Work up to running 5 miles without stopping. (Right now it's 1.5)

Let's see how this goes!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Long Time No See...

It's been almost exactly two months since my last post. There are two reasons for this sad fact:
1) I don't really think anyone cares what I write here.
2) I've been kind of busy.

Since spring break I have:
taken tests
written papers
gone to work
found an apartment
registered for next year's classes
worked out
gained weight
learned music
gone to church
gotten more involved
become a copy chief

What I haven't done:
put my all into school on a number of occasions
really figured out what I think about everything
been perfect

I'm pretty sure that's okay though. It all takes time. For now, I'm trying to get through my exams in one piece--preferably successfully--and trying to stay true to what I want to be. And that, I think, is pretty well represented by this picture of what used to hang in my room at home.

Me in a nutshell.